Keep your bank balance and your mood bright this year by sticking with these recession-beating tips, writes Tina Leonard
January is always bad enough as it is, but the recession has lowered a grey pallor over everything from our moods to our bank balances. Is there anything to look forward to in 2009? Is there any way of saving money or, better still, getting things for free? Yes there is. Read these credit crunchers and make sure you're a cheerful consumer in 2009.
Turn your junk into gold
eBay reckons that the average Irish household has €4,400 worth of unwanted goods, so what are you keeping them for? The fastest growing sector on eBay is 'shopping neutral'. This means that you sell the things you don't want any more to offset on-site spending on things you do want. So do an early spring-clean and start selling. This way you can justify your purchases and stay solvent.
Sell your clothes
If you don't want to sell your clothes online, then there are the more traditional 'swap shops' such as Stockxchange in Dun Laoghaire, the Bridge Mills in Galway and the Designer Swap Market in Ennis. These stores will sell your unwanted clothes for you and then pay you, minus their commission.
Swap your clothes
If you don't like the idea of money changing hands, then clothes swapping may be for you. Shebeen Chic in Dublin's Georges Street hosts a swap every Saturday where you can exchange your clothes or other items for tokens that can then be exchanged for something that you like. Keep your eyes out on online bulletin boards or at your local shop for occasional swap events, or, better still, organise one yourself.
Get free stuff
What is better than a discount? Something for nothing of course! There are many websites where you can register to receive free samples of anything from beauty products and homewares to food, children's toys and coupons. Take a look at www.mysavings.com and http://irelandfreestuff.com
Get more free stuff
If you need a radio, a sofa or a washing machine you don't necessarily have to pay for it. There are various websites that allow people to advertise things they want to give away, and if you want it you can go and collect it. Check out www.jumbletown.ie which covers the whole country or www.gumtree.ie and www.dublinwaste.ie for Dublin only.
While you're at it, if you have something you don't want anymore, you could give it away. Remember you will save on the waste disposal charges for large items.
Be an opinionated consumer
Earning a few extra euro or free gift tokens would come in handy in 2009 so why not register on a consumer opinion website. All you have to do is register with sites such as www.irishopinions.com and https://irelandsurveypanel.com and then you can take part in text or online polls or focus groups and get paid for doing it.
Save money and the planet
In 2009 you should do your bit to save the planet as well. Ditch the expensive and chemically laden household cleaners and instead use vinegar and soda crystals.
Vinegar clears blocked drains, cleans metal and gets rid of calcium build-up in kettles. If you don't believe me look at www.vinegartips.com. Soda crystals diluted in water are good for cutting through grease and limescale, so is good for cleaning kitchens and bathrooms, including ceramic or vinyl tiles.
Use your car less
If you have a car, you know it costs a lot to run -- plus it increases your carbon footprint. If you can't walk, cycle or get public transport, then use the car less. Share journeys with friends or colleagues. You could also change your driving practice: empty your boot; use heating and air conditioning sparingly; drive at a constant speed and start and stop as little as you can manage, as this all saves on fuel consumption.
Know your rights
If you buy something and it breaks, don't just leave it at the back of the drawer, no matter how little it cost. You are entitled to a repair, replacement or refund from the seller and you shouldn't have to pay for it. This also goes for electrical and other big items that are outside their manufacturer's warranty but within two years of purchase.
Have fun for free
In 2009 why not make an effort to have free fun? Walks in the countryside are free, as are public parks, galleries and museums. Check out your local event guide for any free concerts in your area.
If you're in Dublin, why not enjoy a free night out as an audience member of a television programme. Look at www.rte.ie for details. For a quieter night in, read a book, but don't buy it; join a library and read it for free.
Save on energy costs
You really should ensure you are employing every energy saving device in the book to save on household bills.
Use the appliance calculator on www.esb.ie to estimate how much your home electrical appliances and lighting cost to run.
You can also compare the cost of, for example, washing clothes at 40 degrees rather than 60. Prepare to be shocked. Then go to the website of Sustainable Energy Ireland www.sei.ie to get useful tips on how to make both small and big changes to reduce your bill.
Get your entitlements
Millions of euro in tax relief goes unclaimed each year. Make sure you get yours. You can claim for: mortgage interest relief; rent relief; union subscriptions; waste charges; medical and dental costs; annual transport tickets; letting a room; some college courses and more. You can do it all easily online at www.revenue.ie
Make sure you are getting the best deal for your home and mobile phones and broadband services. Many people pay too much simply because the tariff they are on does not match their usage pattern.
Work out how often, to where and when you make calls and then input this data to the calculator on www.callcosts.ie, which will calculate the best deals available.
Then call your provider and see if you can change your package or switch provider for a better deal.
Switch some more
You should do research on all the policies you hold, such as home, health and motor insurance, as you could potentially save yourself hundreds of euro a year by switching. Go to www.itsyourmoney.ie for cost comparisons and also www.hia.ie for more
Haggling was always around but is now becoming more popular. If you are buying high ticket items such as furniture, electrics or cars or if you're spending a lot in one store, ask for a discount.
Remember to ask for the manager and be polite and friendly.
Keep in mind how much you are willing to pay so that you don't end up bartering as though you're in a souk or walking away when you actually really wanted the thing. Keep your cool, and remember that a €10 discount is better than nothing.
Tina Leonard writes the Smart Consumer column in the Irish Independent every Thursday
1 comment:
also try www.bigwardrobe.com - the Internet's biggest clothes swapping website.
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